The following list of questions are for preparing yourself for an interview. The below questions are commonly asked by employers. There is a set of general questions as well as teaching specific questions for you to go through and practice prior to going to an interview.
In addition there is a short list of questions that you should not answer if asked during an interview. These questions are personal in nature, and are seen as inappropriate to ask.
Sample Questions - General
Tell me about yourself.
What are your long-range and short-range career goals and objectives, and how are you preparing to achieve them?
Why did you choose your career?
What do you consider to be your greatest strengths? Weaknesses?
How would you describe yourself? How would a friend or professor describe you?
How has your college experience prepared you for your career?
Why should I hire you?
How do you determine or evaluate success?
In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our company?
Describe a situation when you had to use your creativity to the fullest to complete a project.
Describe your most rewarding college experience.
If you were hiring for this position, what qualities would you look for?
What led you to choose you field or major?
What have you learned from participation in extracurricular activities?
How do you work under pressure?
Describe the ideal job.
Why did you decide to seek a position with this organization and what do you know about us?
What major problem have you encountered and how did you deal with it?
Give me an example of how you convinced your supervisor to assign you to a project.
What are your salary expectations?
Sample Questions - Teaching Specific
What is the role of the teacher in the classroom?
How would you describe your last principal?
What principles do you use to motivate students?
Describe effective teaching techniques that result in intended learning.
How has your education and life experiences prepared you for this position?
What is the most exciting thing happening in the area of education?
Describe an ideal curriculum in your area of study.
Describe the physical appearance of your classroom.
How did you make use of your spare time during university?
How much time do you devote to the lecture approach?
If you could choose to teach any concept in your area, which would you select and why?
What rules have you established for your classroom?
Describe the format you use to develop a lesson.
What should schools do for students?
How do you handle the different ability levels of students in classes?
How would your students describe you?
What is the toughest aspect of teaching today?
What is the role of homework?
What has been your most positive/ negative teaching experience?
What activities will you sponsor if you are hired for this position?
What is your system for evaluating student work?
How would you handle a student who is a consistent behavioral problem in your class?
How would you handle a student sleeping in your class?
What would you do if a student has been absent from your class for several days?
What are your practices in dealing with controversial subjects?
What curricular materials have you developed?
What do you like most about teaching?
What aspects of teaching do you like least?
How do you involve parents in the learning process?
In your opinion, can a school be too student-oriented?
Why do you want to be a teacher?
What can you do for this School Board?
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
How would you respond if a parent said that you marked too hard?
How do you implement career education concepts in your class?
Define current curriculum trends in your area.
Describe independent study projects your students have completed.
In what professional associations do you hold a membership?
Could a student of low academic ability receive a high grade in your class?
What five words would you use to describe yourself?
What provisions have you made for the gifted?
In what areas do you feel you need improvement?
What is your opinion of holding students after school for detention?
Do you like laughter in your classroom?
Describe an assignment that you recently gave to students.
How do you assist in preventing the destruction of school property.
What is the role of the student in your classroom?
What units would you include in teaching?
Have you supervised student teachers, interns or practicum students?
Cite the criteria you would use to evaluate a textbook for possible adoption.
What field trips have you arranged for your class in the past year?
Describe a lesson plan that you have developed? What were the objectives?
A student tells you they have been experimenting with marijuana. What would you do?
How have your classes made use of the library?
What should your students gain from taking your class?
How would you change the school-system if you could make any changes?
How do you cope with stress?
What two books, concepts or experiences have influenced you most in your professional development?
What question have I not asked that you wish I would have raised?
If you are selected for this position, what can we do to help you become successful?
In what kind of environment are you most comfortable?
How do you individualize learning in your class?
How would you motivate the hard to reach child?
Describe how you made a contribution in the last job or activity you were involved in.
Do you consider your education as a valuable experience? Why?
How did you spend your summers? Why?
Are your grades indicative of your ability?
What changes, if any, would you make to your education?
What type of person do you not get along with?
How do you handle jobs/tasks that you do not enjoy?
In less than two minutes, describe yourself.
What values are most important to you?
How would you define teaching as a job? As a profession?
How do you receive feedback? Criticism?
How will you appraise your teaching performance?
What do you base student evaluation on?
Describe a situation in which you had difficulty in getting along with someone and how you overcame it.
What are your prominent work habits?
What limitations do you have that would impact your performance in this position?
If you were hiring a graduate for this position, what qualities would you be looking for?
What failures have you experienced and what did you learn from them?
What extracurricular activities have you participated in and what did you gain from them?
Tell me about a recent problem you have experienced and how you went about solving it.