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Your Role in the Interview

Throughout the time of the interview it is imperative the you pay attention and listen to the interviewer(s). During the interview your conduct is as important as appearance and qualifications. Use some of the following tips in order to demonstrate to the employer your interest in the available opportunity.

  • Sit up straight, maintain good eye contact with the employer and answer questions with short, crisp, smooth answers. Be careful not to ramble.
  • Do not talk too much. A good rule of thumb is to talk for about 50% of the interview.
  • Say positive things about past employers and previous situations.
  • Demonstrate your flexibility by stating you are a team player yet have handled working independently in the past.
  • If you are being interviewed by more than one person, make sure you maintain good eye contact and pay equal attention to each person in the room.
  • Above all, DO NOT LIE

At the end of the interview, employers will almost always ask if you have any questions for them. This is your opportunity to impress the employer by showing your interest in, and knowledge of, the organization. This is a very important component of the interview that people often do not take seriously. The employer is expecting you to have some questions. If you do not, they may assume that you do not have the desire and interest they are pursuing.

There are good and bad questions to ask an employer. Good questions relate to tasks, priorities, development, employee education, department, and growth opportunities. Questions that are generally bad to ask are self-centered and revolve around salary, benefits, and job security. These questions should be saved for the negotiation phase of the job offer.

Good Questions to Ask an Employer:

  • What would be the primary duties initially? How will these duties change overtime?
  • How would you describe the management style of the company as a whole?
  • Tell me more about how this job fits into the whole picture?
  • What is the most difficult or challenging part of this job?
  • Why was this position created?
  • What opportunities are there for employee education or professional development?
  • What growth opportunities are there in the organization?
  • When will you be making your decision to fill this job?

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